Community of Practice - Risk Sharing

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Risk Sharing

Following the 2021 Grand Bargain Annual Meeting, the Netherlands, ICRC, and InterAction launched a Risk Sharing Platform to improve understanding of risk-sharing practices and explore solutions. This led to a case study report in 2022 and the development of a Risk Sharing Framework in 2023. The framework was presented at the 2023 Grand Bargain Annual Meeting, with several partners agreeing to pilot risk-sharing approaches. To continue this work, InterAction, ICRC, and the Netherlands launched a Risk Sharing Community of Practice (RSCP), which convenes donors, NGOs, and local actors to facilitate peer learning, provide updates, and share lessons. For more information, please contact (copying 

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Latest update:

  • The December meeting was held on the 3rd, during which the 2025 workplan was discussed and endorsed. The CoP also confirmed the nomination of the two new co-chairs for the first half of 2025, Netherlands MFA and Catholic Relief Service. The RSCP is conducting a mapping of risk sharing work and has asked members to fill out the form here. The next meeting will take place in February.