8+3 Reporting Template (EN, SP, PT)
At the Annual Meeting of the Grand Bargain 2019, the 8+3 harmonized narrative template was highlighted by the Eminent Person as a success of the Grand Bargain that can now be scaled up. Adopting the finalized template represents a crucial opportunity for Signatories to implement their own individual GB commitments to harmonize and simplify reporting requirements, but also offers an opportunity to achieve collective progress regarding system-wide harmonization. The more donors adopt the 8+3 template as a standard, the greater the benefit of harmonization of the 8+3 template, reducing the reporting burden across the humanitarian system. Some donors and UN agencies have committed to do so already, but more Signatories need to adopt the template in order to achieve the collective progress that the Grand Bargain intends to achieve.
Thanks to Italy (AICS) the 8+3 template was translated in Spanish and Portuguese.