Facilitation Group Meeting Summary Note - 5 December 2024
Setting the course for the next two years: Ambassadors and the Facilitation Group agree on the strategic focus on "accountability"
On 5 December 2024, Grand Bargain Ambassador Manuel Bessler convened the first meeting of the new Facilitation Group (FG) cycle for 2024-2025, which included representatives from A4EP, DG ECHO, Germany, IFRC, InterAction, OCHA and UNICEF. The meeting set the tone for the upcoming cycle with several decisions.
The Ambassadors and Facilitation Group agreed to focus on increasing accountability for the implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments in line with the Implementation Agenda in the next 24 months.
This also includes approaching the analysis of the self-reporting and the Annual Meeting with a stronger accountability lens.
The groups also set a timeline for the self-reporting cycle for 2025, initiated discussions on the 2026 comprehensive independent report, and decided to strengthen the voice of local and national actors in the Facilitation Group.
This meeting laid the ground for the Ambassadors, FG and Secretariat’s work in 2025, with a clear focus on accountability and strengthening collaboration across constituencies.