Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2020 - Summary Note (July 2020)

Published Date

GB AM summary noteThe Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2020 took place online on 24 and 25 June 2020, chaired by the Grand Bargain Eminent Person, Minister Sigrid Kaag. Mr. Mark Lowcock, Emergency Relief Coordinator, joined the discussion on the second day. The COVID-19 pandemic influenced the conduct and content of the meeting, as donors and humanitarian agencies have been adapting their response to to this global challenge. The Annual Meeting discussions started with a session on risk-sharing, followed by the identification of efficiency and transformative priorities for the next 12 months and concluded with a conversation around the future of the Grand Bargain post 2021. The discussions were based on the Annual Independent Report 2020, dedicated research, and on lessons from the response to the pandemic. The 2020 Annual Meeting provided an important opportunity to accelerate implementation in the next 12 months along the Grand Bargain Roadmap to reach the agreed Grand Bargain targets in 2021.

Please see below the full Summary Note of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2020.

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