Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2023
This year, at the Annual Meeting, the Signatories took stock of progress achieved in implementing the Grand Bargain commitments in 2022. It was also a moment to agree on the operationalisation of the new iteration of the Grand Bargain, by presenting and identifying key/strategic actions that Signatories would need to undertake collectively and individually, also building on the caucus outcomes delivered in 2022 and 2023. A summary of the discussions was developed.
Click here to read the summary document |
During the two-days Annual Meeting, the Signatories shared the actions and commitments they are undertaking or planning to pursue in the coming months and years to realise the objectives. To ensure regular updates and accountability, a dedicated webpage to document these actions has been created.
The page will be regularly updated to add new actions as relevant.
Click here to read the actions put forward by the Signatories |
The results of the Annual Independent Report 2023 were presented during the first day of the Annual Meeting by ODI.
Click here to read the Annual Independent Report 2023 |
Please see below the statements on the occasion of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2023: