Grand Bargain Self-Reporting Cycle 2024

The 2024 Grand Bargain Self-Reports results are out!
As part of the Grand Bargain 3.0 Framework in 2023, Signatories agreed to streamline and simplify the annual self-reporting process. The GB Secretariat subsequently worked with the Facilitation Group, Development Initiative (DI), ODI, and ActivityInfo to develop an online platform, enabling Signatories to enter and submit their data online. EU/DG ECHO and Germany kindly supported the initiative. Through the online platform, signatories submitted data on key indicators such as quality funding, localisation, participation, risk-sharing, gender, and caucus outcomes. By mid-September, 57 signatories—including 22 donors, 19 INGOs/Networks, 8 UN agencies, 2 Red Cross/Red Crescent organisations, and 4 Local NGO Networks—had completed their self-reports.
The Grand Bargain Secretariat continues to receive self-report submissions and will be regularly updating the pages below accordingly.
To ensure full transparency - we are pleased to share the self-reports in various formats, including a dashboard charts, individual self-reports, and an Excel datasheet.
The results are now live—and signatories have until 31 December 2024 to make any necessary adjustments by contacting the Grand Bargain Secretariat.