Localisation learning space: progressing towards 25% direct funding to local and national actors
Localisation learning space: progressing towards 25% direct funding to local and national actors
To progress on the implementation of the GB localisation commitments, the learning event on 7 May 2024 was organised in response to a letter from Grand Bargain Ambassador Bessler, former Grand Bargain EP Jan Egeland, and NEAR Executive Director Hibak Kalfan asking caucus members for updates, including on their roadmap development towards achieving the 25% localisation target. The original Grand Bargain framework included a commitment to achieve an aggregated target of at least 25% of humanitarian funding to local and national actors (LNAs) as directly as possible to improve outcomes for affected people and reduce transactional costs. The 3-pagers captures the insights from caucus members (Denmark, EU/DG ECHO, OCHA, Save the Children, UNHCR, and USAID) and other Signatories who participated in the Learning Event, (CRS, DRC, Switzerland). The document outlines key learnings and remaining challenges.