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Humanitarian Leadership Snapshot

Document Type
Product Category
Humanitarian Leadership Strengthening Section (HLSS)
Published Date
Humanitarian Leadership Strengthening Section produces monthly snapshots to provide an overview of field humanitarian leadership. The snapshots capture latest developments on designations and other leadership on the move as well as trends and analysis of characteristics of field humanitarian leaders. The snapshots also include a key monthly highlight, summarizing events and providing an overview of developments in field humanitarian leadership, in addition to up-to-date list of Humanitarian Coordinators. 
Implementation Agenda Towards 2026

Implementation Agenda 2024-2026 (EN, FR, SP, AR)

Published Date
Signatories at the Annual Meeting 2024 agreed a GB 3.0 Implementation Agenda guiding them until 2026. The Implementation Agenda was developed based on insights from the self-report results, discussions with Signatories in 2024, the Ambassadors' engagements with Principals, and previous GB Annual Independent Reports. 
Cover of the IASC Standards for Collective Feedback Mechanisms

IASC Standards for Collective Feedback Mechanisms

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Accountability to Affected Populations
Published Date
The IASC Standards for Collective Feedback Mechanisms (CFM) provide a comprehensive framework for the collective management of community feedback in humanitarian settings. Informed by many years of consultation and experimentation in the field, these standards aim to support diverse actors in their efforts to unify approaches to gathering, analyzing, and acting on community feedback to strengthen Accountability to Affected People (AAP).The Standards are complemented by four annexes that provide actionable tools and resources for implementation:

IASC Guidance on Cluster Transition and Deactivation

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Cluster Approach
Published Date
IASC Guidance on Cluster Transition and Deactivation is endorsed by IASC OPAG on behalf of the IASC, in line with agreed endorsement protocols. This guidance clarifies the steps, roles and responsibilities involved in a transition and deactivation process, supporting transition planning from humanitarian to development efforts.
RCHC TP Application Guide 2025

RC/HC Talent Pipeline Application Guide

Document Type
Published Date
Jointly managed by the United Nations Development Coordination Office (DCO) and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator (RC/HC) Talent Pipeline aims to build a diverse and deep pipeline of high calibre candidates for Resident Coordinator positions, including for posts carrying a Humanitarian Coordinator designation. Eligible candidates who demonstrate high potential vis-à-vis the RC role will be admitted into the RC/HC Talent Pipeline.
IASC Gender Accountability Framework Report 2023

The IASC Gender Accountability Framework Report 2023

Document Type
IASC Product
Product Category
Published Date
The 2023 IASC Gender Accountability Framework Report is a product of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s Reference Group for Gender in Humanitarian Action (GRG).