Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings Minimum Responses in the Midst of Emergencies Area A. Common functions 1.1 Establish coordination of intersectoral mental health and psychosocial support 2.1 Conduct assessments of mental health and psychosocial issues 2.2 Initiate participatory systems for monitoring and evaluation 3.1 Apply a human rights framework through mental health and psychosocial support 3.2 Identify, monitor, prevent and respond to protection threats and failures through social protection 3.3 Identify, monitor, prevent and respond to protection threats and abuses through legal protection 4.1 Identify and recruit staff and engage volunteers who understand local culture 4.2 Enforce staff codes of conduct and ethical guidelines 4.3 Organise orientation and training of aid workers in mental health and psychosocial support 4.4 Prevent and manage problems in mental health and psychosocial well-being among staff and volunteers 5.1 Facilitate conditions for community mobilisation, ownership and control of emergency response in all sectors 5.2 Facilitate community self-help and social support 5.3 Facilitate conditions for appropriate communal cultural, spiritual and religious healing practices 5.4 Facilitate support for young children (0–8 years) and their care-givers 6.1 Include specific psychological and social considerations in provision of general health care 6.2 Provide access to care for people with severe mental disorders 6.3 Protect and care for people with severe mental disorders and other mental and neurological disabilities living in institutions 6.4 Learn about and, where appropriate, collaborate with local, indigenous and traditional health systems 6.5 Minimise harm related to alcohol and other substance use 7.1 Strengthen access to safe and supportive education 8.1 Provide information to the affected population on the emergency, relief efforts and their legal rights 8.2 Provide access to information about positive coping methods 9.1 Include specific social and psychological considerations (safe aid for all in dignity, considering cultural practices and household roles) in the provision of food and nutritional support 10.1 Include specific social considerations (safe, dignified, culturally and socially appropriate assistance) in site planning and shelter provision, in a coordinated manner 11.1 Include specific social considerations (safe and culturally appropriate access for all in dignity) in the provision of water and sanitation Coordination Assessment, monitoring and evaluation Protection and human rights standards Human resources Community mobilisation and support Health services Education Dissemination of information Food security and nutrition Shelter and site planning Water and sanitation B. Core mental health and psychosocial supports C. Social considerations in sectors The guidelines include 25 Action Sheets that explain how to implement each of the above minimum responses. For further information, see or email or © Inter-Agency Standing Committee 2007