Info message
91st IASC Working Group meeting
New York
Meeting Documents
Session 1: Upholding the Norms that Safeguard Humanity
Relevant Documents
- Secretary-General's Report: Outcome of the World Humanitarian Summit
- World Humanitarian Summit: Commitments to Action
- Video by UN Secretary-General on Human Rights up Front
- Human Rights up Front An Overview
- The SG: Renewing our commitment to the peoples and purposes of the UN
- SG's April 2015 letter to Heads of AFPs on Human Rights up Front
- Human Rights up Front Action Plan
- Human Rights up Front Note for circulation
- DSG transcript IASC Working Group October 2016
Session 2: Translating the IASC Protection Policy into Practice
Session 3: Enhancing Protection for Refugees, Migrants and IDPs
Relevant Documents
- New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants and Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRR)
- Open Letter: The Invisible Majority: Helping IDPs
- UNGA 71st Rights of internally displaced persons
- Press Release New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants adopted by all Member States
- WHS, Leave No one Behind: A Commitment to Adress Displacement, High Level Leaders, Core Responsibility Three of the Agenda for Humanity
- World Humanitarian Summit: Commitments to Action
Session 4: Taking the Grand Bargain Commitments Forward
Relevant Documents
- A Grand Bargain: A Shared Commitment to Better Serve People in Need
- Grand Bargain: Bonn Meeting, Chair's Summary and Workstream summary documents
- Analysis of 10 Grand Bargain Workstreams summary documents
- TT and RG progress reports post-WHS/Grand Bargain
- Updated IASC Working Group workplan
- Mapping Grand Bargain Workstream and IASC engagement
Session 5: Dialogue with the Emergency Relief Coordinator
Session 6: Post-World Humanitarian Summit: taking stock and moving forward
Session 7: Advancing the work of IASC Task Teams and Reference Groups
Relevant Documents
- Draft Work Plan 2015-2016 - IASC Gender Reference Group
- RG Gender - Terms of Reference 2016-2017
- ToR - IASC AAP PSEA August 2016
- AAP PSEA Work Plan 2016-17 (17 May Update)
- Terms of Reference - IASC Task Team on strengthening the humanitarian and development nexus with a focus on protracted crises
- Humanitarian and Development Nexus Work shop Concept Note
- Presentation - IASC Reference Group for Gender in Humanitarian Action
Session 8: Changing the way the IASC WG works