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This subsidiary body completed its mandate on 31 March 2022.

Snapshot of IASC Results Group 2 on Accountability and Inclusion

Published Date

IASC Results Group 2 (RG2) on Accountability and Inclusion provides response-wide guidance, tools, and technical support. The Results Group supports humanitarian leaders and responders to improve effectiveness and outcomes through collective approaches to accountability and inclusion in overall response efforts. 

Chaired by UNHCR and UNICEF and reporting to the IASC Operational Policy and Advocacy Group (OPAG), the Results Group (RG) is comprised of local NGOs, International NGOs, the UN, Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and others. 

RG2 works towards more accountable and inclusive humanitarian responses; those that encourage active participation of all affected people, regardless of their gender, age, disability and other diversities; adapt to their feedback; encourage, listen to and act on their complaints, without fear of exploitation or abuse by any aid worker and provide information that enables affected people to make informed decisions about their own lives. This document provides a one-page snapshot of RG2's 2020 deliverables and guiding principles.