ProCap and GenCap Appeal 2020-2021
The Inter-Agency Protection Stand-by Capacity (ProCap) Project and Gender Stand-by Capacity (GenCap) Project were originally launched in 2005 and 2007 respectively. Their aim is to meet a widely recognised need for experienced protection and gender staff, particularly at senior level, to support HCs and HCTs in their efforts to prioritize and mainstream gender and protection at country-level. The Projects deploy senior technical advisers, as interagency resources, to address capacity needs in protection and gender equality programming efforts of the humanitarian system, in addition to providing capacity development, policy advice and best practice. Specifically, supporting the humanitarian community in finding practical solutions for complex protection and gender issues remains a key focus for the Projects. The inter-agency approach, which pools senior level expertise and strategic support, is recognised as the Projects’ added value and comparative advantage.
This document is ProCap and Gencap 2020 Appeal.