Call for Nominations: IASC Emergency Team Leadership Program in Budapest

Published Date

Deadline for applications: 22 March 2019

UNHCR is pleased to invite your organization to nominate participants for the IASC Emergency Team Leadership Program (ETLP). The ETLP is administered by UNHCR on behaif of the wider IASC and has been held regularly since 2006. The training is a blended learning program involving a combination of seif study, exchange of practical experiences from participants, workshop/simulations, and post-workshop activity. The next ETLP workshop is scheduled to take place at the Danubius Grand Hotel Margitsziget in Budapest, Hungary, the week of 6- 10 May 2019. The IASC ETLP aims to strengthen emergency team leadership competencies of IASC partners in humanitarian emergency settings. The ETLP focuses on “team leadership” and “interpersonal" skills in emergency situations, i.e. teamwork, communication, decision-making, emotional intelligence, direction setting and situational leadership, rather than on the more technical or operational skills required in emergencies (e.g. emergency management, operations, cluster/sector response planning, staff security, etc.) as these are already covered by other existing training courses. In addition to reinforcing core leadership competencies, the workshop serves as a retreat designed to spark reflection and growth of participants' own attitudes and practices as emergency team leaders.

Participants in the ETLP will include staff of IASC partners and national NGOs dealing with humanitarian emergencies. In terms of profile of the participants, UNHCR proposes nominees be individuals with emergency experience who are either currently in a team leadership role in the field (sub or field offices) or who might be deployed over the next twelve months as leaders of emergency response teams or head of sub and field offices. Participants will commit to a pre-workshop phase (10 hours), workshop attendance (5 days) as well as a personalized post-workshop learning activity. We would therefore be most grateful if your organizations would nominate appropriate senior candidates to this program as soon as possible and no later than Friday, 22 March 2019.

As the total number of ETLP participants is limited to 20 persons, we would like to invite your agency to propose two candidates utilising the online course application platform: For its part, UNHCR is proposing staff at the UN P4-P5 level. The selection of participants will depend upon the level of interest demonstrated by respective IASC agencies. To ensure national NGO participation, UNHCR has traditionally sponsored several national NGO participants for this training.

UNHCR will cover the learning materials and program facilitation as well as conference services. The cost of meals, accommodation at the Danubius Grand Hotel Margitsziget venue and international travel will be borne by the participant's agency

Nominees should kindly apply via: