Calendar of Events and Logistics for ECOSOC HAS 2017, 21 - 23 June, Geneva

Published Date

The annual ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) will be held on 21-23 June 2017 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The theme for the 2017 HAS will be “Restoring Humanity and Leaving No-one Behind: Working together to reduce people’s humanitarian need, risk and vulnerability”.

The HAS will be preceded by a High-Level Event on Famine Prevention and Response, scheduled to take place on 21 June. The HAS itself will include a General Debate, including action on the annual ECOSOC humanitarian resolution, three High-Level Panels, and approximately twenty-five side-events. A Transition Event that links discussions between the ECOSOC Operational Activities for Development Segment and the HAS will also take place before the opening of the Segment.

Several of the events are organized by the IASC bodies, IASC agencies or are of relevance to the different IASC workstreams and further information is available here, including the calendar and details of the various Panels and Side Events. We will be sending round some invitations/flyers as these become available, but will try and group these if possible to avoid email overload.

All events are taking place in the E-Building of the Palais des Nations and please note the deadline of 16 June to request passes

Access to the Palais des Nations

  • Information for UN Pass holders: Security passes issued by the UN in Geneva and New York (i.e. valid UN photo ID pass) will be accepted for diplomats, UN staff, UN bodies and specialized agencies and accredited NGOs. These categories will still pass by Pregny Gate on the first day so their passes can be registered for the entire duration of the HAS. They will then be allowed to enter either through Pregny Gate or Nations Gate. 
  • Information for non-UN Pass holders: All participants who are not in possession of a valid UN photo ID pass issued either by UN Headquarters in New York or by the United Nations Office in Geneva will need to share their names, affiliations and email addresses with Shiranee De Thabrew ( by COB Friday 16 June 2017.

The ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment provides a unique opportunity for Member States, United Nations entities, humanitarian and development partners, the private sector, affected communities to discuss emerging and pressing humanitarian issues.