New Inter-Agency Handbook on Malaria Control in Complex Emergencies

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Dr. Rowan Gillies (MSF) and Dr. Aafje Rietveld (WHO) introduced the Inter-Agency Field Handbook on Malaria Control in Complex Emergencies at the IASC Weekly meeting on 18 January 2006 in Geneva. The areas of the world whose populations are most affected by complex emergencies are often those with the greatest malaria burden. Consequently, malaria is a significant cause of death and illness in complex emergency situations. The new inter-agency handbook focuses on effective malaria control in complex emergencies, particularly during the acute phase when reliance on international humanitarian assistance is greatest. It provides policy-makers, planners, field programme managers and medical coordinators with practical guidance on designing, implementing and monitoring measures to reduce malaria morbidity and mortality. Such measures address the needs of both the displaced and the host populations and accomodate the changes in those needs as an acute emergency evolves into a more stable situation. Audio clips of the presentations by Dr. Rowan Gillies and Dr. Aafie Rietveld are available on the page for this meeting. The handbook is also available on this website.