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IASC Gender Handbook

Published Date
In December 2006 the IASC Working Group endorsed "Women, Girls, Boys & Men, Different Needs – Equal Opportunities, a Gender Handbook for Humanitarian Action". To access the Handbook, please refer to the link on the right hand side of this page. The Handbook is ready and on its way to the printer. Initially, 300 copies will be distributed to each of the larger UN agencies and NGOs, 100 to small entities. 15,000 copies will be printed in the first run. 100 copies will be sent to all Humanitarian Coordinator offices and some to regional hubs. The Gender Handbook will partly be rolled out through the deployment of gender advisers to RC/HC and other UN offices but we do hope that all of you will make use of this tool in your trainings, missions; in developing guidelines and policies; and in your advocacy work. Posters and postcards to accompany the handbook as PI tools are also being printed and will be sent with the handbook. In addition, a flyer introducing the Handbook is also available (also accessible on the IASC Website). The Gender Handbook will support and complement the Gender-Based Violence Guidelines (Sep. 2005) is a sector-by-sector guide on how to ensure gender equality programming in humanitarian situations. It provides practical tips on how to mainstream gender and checklists to measure the progress in meeting the needs and ensuring the equal participation of women, girls, boys and men in all aspects of humanitarian response. For questions and comments regarding the Gender Handbook as well as the IASC Gender SWG in general, please contact the co-chairs of the SWG: Dr. Henia Dakkak, Technical Specialist, UNFPA (+1 212 297 5069 / Dr. Claudia Garcia Moreno, Coordinator, Dept. of Gender and Women’s Health WHO (+41 22 791 4353 / or Ms. Kate Burns, Senior Humanitarian Affairs Officer - Gender Adviser, OCHA (+1 917 367 9002 /