IASC Guidance on Multipurpose Cash (MPC) Section and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Overview in Humanitarian Needs and Response Plans (HNRPs)

Published Date

Background Since the optional consolidated overview on the use of multipurpose cash (MPC) was introduced in Humanitarian Planning Cycle (HPC) facilitation package in 2019, its use in HNRPs has been ad-hoc. After consulting key stakeholders[1] in 2024, the global Cash Advisory Group (CAG) developed this guidance on a MPC Section and CVA Overview. This section replaces the previous designated section and focuses explicitly on reflecting MPC in HNRPs, as part of a broader overview of the use of CVA in the wider response.

Purpose: This guidance supersedes those previously existing[2] to reflect the coherent use of CVA,  including MPC, in IASC contexts[3]. It describes the minimum standards to plan, report and monitor MPC and reflect sector specific CVA to minimize potential duplications in an HNRP. The document assumes reader familiarity with basic cash transfers concepts and refers to existing definitions and resources in the footnotes and annexes. This is a living document that will be adjusted[4] based on the application of this guidance.


[1] Independent consultations with stakeholders including clusters, donors and CWGs took place in Q1 2024 for this guidance.

[2] https://kmp.hpc.tools/2023/06/05/hrp-annotated-template/ and https://www.calpnetwork.org/publication/ocha-internal-guidance-cash-in-hrps/

[3] This guidance is only for HNRPs in IASC settings and do not include refugee contexts or their response 
plans. Refugee chapters in HNRPs follow the Joint UNHCR-OCHA Note on Mixed Situations, and associated RCM/RRP guidance. CVA including MPC for refugees should be included in accordance with this guidanceā€.

[4] The CAG will conduct an annual review of this guidance as required.