Christian Aid - New resources on putting people at the centre of humanitarian system

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We are pleased to share with you two new papers from Christian Aid, focusing on putting people at the centre of humanitarian system, and on on survivor and community led response (sclr) approach:

christian aidRipping Off the Band Aid: Putting people at the centre of humanitarian system

Millions of people in East Africa are on the brink of famine. Hundreds of millions more around the world continue to starve. In a world where there is enough food for everyone it is an outrage that people die of hunger, that governments and markets cannot make sure there is enough food available and affordable for everyone. While governments, companies and civil society should respond to those currently facing life threatening hunger, there is an equally important challenge to think longer term – to ensure that governments, international donors and institutions have the correct policies in place to save lives and prevent crises from becoming catastrophes in the future.

Christian Aid’s experience of working with local partner organisations in Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan shows that people’s ability to withstand failed harvests and rising food prices can be significantly improved with supportive preventive action. Our experience in the region has taught us what works to build that resilience. Resilient communities build on their indigenous knowledge and ensure that they are stronger and more likely to withstand future crises. Governments and donors can make positive policy choices.

A new approach is needed: it’s time to rip off the band-aid and invest more in communities during and between crises.

>> Click here for the full paper

christianaid2Haiti earthquake response. A modern approach

On Saturday 14 August 2021 a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwestern Haiti with devastating consequences. Christian Aid worked with local partner organisations Konbite pou Ranfose Aksyon Lakay (KORAL) and Service Jésuites aux Migrants (SJM) to implement the Haiti Earthquake Response which would test the sclr approach at scale for the first time in a complex emergency response in Haiti.

Sclr is an emergency response approach developed to support and resource individuals and communities affected by sudden or protracted crises. Local to Global Protection Initiative (L2PG) established the approach with aspirations to build on and support the spontaneous self-help actions of crisis affected population. The approach brings together the cash, localisation, nexus and participation agendas of the Grand Bargain.

Following analysis of the approach the overarching findings indicate that people are happier when they are in the driving seat of emergency response projects.

The sclr approach promotes mutually beneficial outcomes and leaves community members with the tools, skillset, and most importantly the will to continue to advocate for their communities and its development.

>> Click here for the learning report 

>> Click here for a 2-page summary