Feminist Humanitarian Network joins the Grand Bargain

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Why the FHN decided to join the Grand Bargain and their plans

The Feminist Humanitarian Network (FHN) is a global network of feminist humanitarians working together to transform the humanitarian system into one that is guided by feminist principles. The FHN is a collective composed primarily of grassroots WROs on the frontlines of humanitarian response in the Global South as well as international organisations and federations, academics and individuals.

It has been collectively agreed by the FHN membership that the Network wishes to become a Grand Bargain Signatory in order to promote uptake of feminist humanitarian principles, power sharing and shifting, access to quality funding in practice and grassroots feminist actors’ leadership across the Grand Bargain forum, the 51 delineated commitments, and other spaces where the FHN leads. In addition, the FHN is a new co-lead of the Friends of Gender Group and thus becoming a signatory to the Grand Bargain is a complementing, synergistic pursuit to this space. The FHN seeks to support Global South-based feminist local responders to lead in Grand Bargain fora and amplify this collectively agreed message.

As a Grand Bargain Signatory, the FHN plans to support and promote Signatories and Facilitation Groups to develop concrete pathways to achieve localisation objectives, in particular transform the humanitarian system into an ecosystem guided by feminist principles in which grassroots feminist actors’ leadership, expertise, and efforts are recognised, resourced, and upheld. This includes creating an intersectional feminist humanitarian ecosystem in which grassroots and national feminist actors have the power and resources to ensure all women, girls, and gender-diverse people’s fundamental human needs are fulfilled before, during, and after crises. The FHN also seeks to support the Grand Bargain to enact a feminist humanitarian system that is free of the structural inequalities that drive crises, including racism, patriarchy, colonialism and neoliberalism.