Grand Bargain Ambassadors and Facilitation Group - Summary Note - September 2023

Published Date

The Grand Bargain Ambassadors Jemilah Mahmood, Manuel Bessler, Michael Köhler met with the Facilitation Group (FG) Sherpas of the incoming/remaining and outgoing members (A4EP, ICVA, ICRC, UNHCR) on 5 September 2023 in Geneva, chaired by A4EP, followed by a meeting of the new Facilitation Group (EU/DG ECHO, Germany, OCHA, UNICEF, IFRC, InterAction, NEAR), on 6 September 2023.

The summary note outlines how the Ambassadors will work with the Facilitation Group Sherpas, the role of strengthened Secretariat, what the Ambassadors and the Facilitation Group will prioritise, and what is expected from the Signatories. 

>> Click here to read the summary note