Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates - April 2023

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The Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates
Latest news from the Grand Bargain | April 2023
Dear Grand Bargain Signatories,

We are pleased to share the latest newsletter of the Grand Bargain 2.0 with you. The newsletter includes a brief update on the Annual Independent Report 2023, the latest news from the Facilitation Group, the closing of the caucus on funding for localisation, and the latest news from Signatories on their individual implementation of the commitments.

Over the past two months, the importance and continued relevance of the Grand Bargain commitments has been exemplified on various occasions. For instance, at the European Humanitarian Forum, there were references to the importance of implementing the outcomes of the caucus on quality funding, and examples of localisation commitments translated into concrete action. During ICVA's Annual Conference, a session was dedicated to the future of the Grand Bargain, highlighting the importance of continuing the process to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian aid.

As we approach the Annual Meeting (19 and 20 June 2023), the Facilitation Group is finalising the proposal for the future of the Grand Bargain, including concrete milestones/outcomes, and will be presented to Signatories at a virtual meeting later in May in order to endorse this new iteration and commit to further progress.

The Annual Meeting this year will focus on the  implementation of the commitments and launching the new iteration of the Grand Bargain.

Wishing you pleasant reading,
The Grand Bargain Secretariat
Thank you for having submitted the self-reports (94% of submission) and for participating in the individual interviews with the research team. We would like to inform you that ODI is currently in the process of drafting the report, and has already provided us with updates on the progress made by the Signatories during 2022, which are very encouraging, as well as some of the challenges in implementing the commitments effectively. The report is scheduled to be published in June ahead of the Annual Meeting.

>> Click here to access the self-reports 2023 
Update from the Facilitation Group
The Principles of the Facilitation Group met on the margins of the European Humanitarian Forum to discuss on the proposal for the future of the Grand Bargain and decide on the next steps of action.

As a result, the Facilitation Group is currently engaged in finalising the proposal, incorporating specific objectives and milestones, with the aim of reaching a consensus on the document by early May.

A virtual meeting with the Signatories will be organised to agree and endorse the future of the Grand Bargain by the end of May.

Beginning of April, OCHA took over from Germany as the Facilitation Group Chair for the next two months. 
Latest from the caucuses, workstreams, and other initiatives
Caucus on Funding for Localisation

Closing of the Grand Bargain caucus on Funding for Localisation

On 30 March 2023, the Principals of the Grand Bargain Caucus on Funding for Localisation (USAID, DG-ECHO, Denmark, OCHA, UNHCR, Save the Children, IFRC, A4EP and the Northwest Syria NGO forum – chaired by EP Jan Egeland and Hibak Kalfan, NEAR) met to endorse the three recommendations that were put forward by the technical members to strengthen efforts to reach the 25% target funding to localisation and national actors.

A monitoring framework is being finalised and will be circulated in the coming weeks

Latest from the Signatories

EU/DG ECHO launched its guidance on equitable partnerships

During the European Humanitarian Forum 2023, the new DG ECHO policy on equitable partnerships with local responders in humanitarian settings was announced.

It will guide staff and partners to move forward towards a more inclusive and equitable localisation agenda.

"This guidance document seeks ways of translating the Grand Bargain commitments into concrete action, while recognising that DG ECHO has already embarked on numerous projects and programmes that support localisation, although not yet in a systematic manner. The aim is to ensure that DG ECHO has in place the appropriate policy framework, and the practical tools to implement the commitments set out above, at both headquarter and field office levels, through its advocacy, normative work and programming."

Donor approaches to overheads to local and national partners

Ensuring that local and national actors can access overheads has become a key focus for humanitarian reform efforts over the past year. This paper, produced by Development Initiatives, in partnership with UNICEF, discusses current donor approaches to overheads and how these can be improved to support both national and international organisations in the humanitarian delivery process.

By providing recommendations for donors and humanitarian organisations on how to better support local and national actors, it contributes to the Grand Bargain commitments on localisation, particularly as the caucus on the role of intermediaries included a commitment from members to allocate overhead costs to local and national actors.

Localisation in UNHCR-led coordination structures

Meaningful engagement and inclusion of organisations led by forcibly displaced, stateless, or other specific groups, as well as local organisations in UNHCR-led coordination structures, response plans and planning cycles is key to successful and sustainable responses. UNHCR developed a checklist to guide staff, namely sector leads, programme and inter-agency coordinators on how to ensure such inclusion.

While designed for UNHCR staff, the guidance would likely be relevant for other coordination structures as well. Read the guidance, here

NEAR reflecting on the Grand Bargain after six years and the way forward 

We are pleased to share with you NEAR position paper on the future of the Grand Bargain. 

"We have seen tremendous growth within our network over the past seven years, with deeper engagement from the Global South within the Grand Bargain processes and more volunteer leadership from southern leaders. (...) Through honest conversations, NEAR consulted as a Secretariat, with its Leadership Council and our members using the following questions as a guide: Is the Grand Bargain worth our time? Will we see any change, improved trust, better quality funding and more sustainability if we remain engaged? And if so, then when?."

Click here to read the paper

Trócaire: Pre-positioned funding as an approach to advance localisation and locally-led humanitarian action

We are pleased to share with you Trócaire's report which captures learnings from Trócaire'sp ilot and initial rollout of the pre-positioned humanitarian funding model in five countries: Sierra Leone, Malawi, Rwanda, Myanmar and Nicaragua. A simple and easily replicable innovation, this model has been seen to have a strong impact on advancing localisation. 

Click here to read the report

Christian Aid: New paper "Letting go of control: Empowering locally-led action in Ukraine" 

Letting go of control: Empowering locally led action in Ukraine tells the story of how Christian aid partners in Ukraine worked with local community groups to run transformative, community led programming. It focuses on case studies of both survivor and community led response and another cash approach called flexible small grants. 

The paper argues that the international system needs a mindset shift; it needs to let go of power and put money and accountability in the hands of local actors. It was produced in partnership with Local to Global Protection, and programme partners on the ground in Ukraine, including the Alliance for Public Health, Hungarian Interchurch Aid, and HEKS-EPER, and Hungarian Reformed Church Aid. 

Click here to read the paper

The Grand Bargain Secretariat is supported by EU/DG ECHO and hosted by the Norwegian Refugee Council/NORCAP.
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