Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates - December 2022

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The Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates
Latest news from the Grand Bargain | December 2022
Dear Grand Bargain Signatories,

A lot has been done in 2022 in the Grand Bargain, but there is still a long way to go before achieving all the commitments we made. At the meeting on the implementation of caucus outcomes with the Signatories in November 2022, we heard a lot of plans and actions that are being carried out on quality funding and the role of intermediaries, based on key agreed elements of the caucuses. We will share those in the next couple of days.

We are fast approaching the end of the Grand Bargain 2.0, and we are currently, all together, shaping its future. We have no time to lose to ensure we deliver results in June 2023.
We are pleased to share with you the last 2022 edition of the Grand Bargain Bimonthly newsletter, presenting an update on the achievements made in the caucus on funding for localisation and the lessons learnt, and the ways forward of the caucus on quality funding.

Nevertheless, before getting into the heart of those matters, we would like to welcome a new Signatory: the Islamic Relief, who joined the Grand Bargain in October to work together with all the humanitarian actors to ensure greater support to local humanitarian agencies and improve the participation of people from communities affected by humanitarian crises.

Finally, in line with the efforts to strengthen transparency and communication, we are glad to announce that the Grand Bargain Twitter account is now live, and that we continue to publish on the website the bi-weekly recap, to provide you with a one-stop shop for all the latest news on the Grand Bargain.

We wish you pleasant reading,
The Grand Bargain Secretariat 
Implementation of the caucus outcomes
The Facilitation Group organised a meeting on the implementation of the caucus outcomes, with the participation of caucus champions, caucus members and all Signatories. This meeting was the opportunity to find out more about caucus outcomes and to demonstrate how they are already being implemented by the Signatories. 

An overview of the actions that the Signatories are undertaking to implement caucus outcomes will be published in the next few days on the Grand Bargain website.
Update from the Facilitation Group
The past two months, the Facilitation Group members focused on presenting the findings of the survey on the future of the Grand Bargain to their constituencies, and collecting their feedback, opinions and suggestions to define the options for the future of the Grand Bargain – you can read more about the survey findings here.

In December, the Facilitation Group will launch the annual self-reporting process by sharing slightly revised self-reporting templates with the Signatories.
Beginning of December 2022, ICRC took over from UNHCR as the Facilitation Group Chair for the next two months. 
Joint NGO statement on the future of the Grand Bargain
64 NGOs call for action from Grand Bargain Signatories following the announcement of an unprecedented humanitarian needs at the Global Humanitarian Overview 2023.

They see the continuation and strengthening of the Grand Bargain – the process to make the humanitarian system more efficient – as crucial and call for renewed commitment to shrink needs, deepen the resource base and invest in gender equality and empowerment of women and girls.

>> Click here to read the full statement
Latest from the caucuses, workstreams, and other initiatives
Caucus on funding for localisation

Grand Bargain caucus on funding for localisation Main achievements so far and update - November 2022

Since early September, the caucus members have met three times at senior technical level. Alongside these meetings, caucus members have worked individually with the caucus co-chairs and the technical advisor to the caucus, Development Initiatives, to share information on:

a) amount of funding delivered to local and national actors;
b) methodology used to calculate this amount; and
c) their challenges in comprehensively calculating amounts according to the currently agreed definitions of “direct” and “direct as possible” funding.

>> Click here to find all the main achievements that have been done so far

Caucus on quality funding

Grand Bargain caucus on quality funding - Lessons learnt, recommendations and ways forward - November 2022

Following the endorsement to improve the quality and amount of humanitarian funding by the caucus Principals in July 2022, we are pleased to share with you a short infographic, outlining the commitments, the lessons learnt and the ways forward.  >> Click here to see the infographic 

Furthermore, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in their role as caucus champion, collected and consulted feedback from caucus members on the process itself, lessons learned, and recommendations for improvement for future caucuses.  >> Click here to read the lessons

Caucus on cash coordination

Grand Bargain caucus on cash coordination - Presentation on the new model on cash coordination - November 2022

Following successful development of a new cash coordination model by the Grand Bargain caucus, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee has established the Cash Group Advisory for its implementation in the field, taking into account different contexts and operational realities. >> Click here to read the transition plan

Latest from the Signatories

UNHCR grant agreements with organisations led by displaced and stateless people

UNHCR introduced at the beginning of 2022 new grant agreements that allow their operations around the world to engage organizations led by displaced and stateless people and their hosts as their partners. These new grants create a simple mechanism to provide financial support to these organizations that will allow them to realize their projects and build their capacity. >> Click here to read more about it


Map of the implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments at country-level

As part of the implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments, the Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2022 (GB AIR 2022) highlights the progress and successes achieved in the different countries of intervention according to the enabling priorities. To show how the Grand Bargain becomes a reality on the ground, examples from the report were extracted to create this map. >> Click here to access the map


Risk sharing in practice: success stories, enablers and barriers 

At the 2021 Grand Bargain Annual Meeting, the ICRC and the Netherlands committed to generate evidence and collect good practices on risk sharing. We are therefore pleased to share the report “Risk Sharing in practice: success stories, enablers, and barriers to risk sharing in the humanitarian sector.”  >> Click here to read the report

The Grand Bargain Secretariat is supported by ECHO and hosted by the Norwegian Refugee Council/NORCAP.
Copyright © 2022 The Grand Bargain Secretariat, All rights reserved.

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