The Grand Bargain Bimonthly updates - January 2022

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The Grand Bargain 2.0 Bimonthly Updates


Latest news from the Grand Bargain 2.0 | January 2022


Dear Grand Bargain Signatories,
We hope you started the year well, and we wish you a happy and healthy 2022. This newsletter brings you important updates on the Grand Bargain 2.0 structure, agreed upon in December 2021. 
Although some workstreams are closing, this does not mean that the work is done – ongoing efforts are required from all Signatories in relation to all core commitments. Especially, work being done at the country level should continue. As we are less than six months ahead of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2022, we need to focus our collective efforts on the political change we want to see and the priorities we have identified in the Grand Bargain 2.0 Framework. The Annual Meeting will be an important opportunity to showcase the change we achieved and agree on what remains to be done.
The next five months are therefore crucial to roll up our sleeves, both inidivually as Signatories, but also collectively - in the caucuses, in the workstreams, in any relevant fora and initiatives. 
We wish you pleasant reading,
The Grand Bargain Secretariat 


The Grand Bargain 2.0 Structure


This is the Grand Bargain 2.0 structure, which was finalised following a meeting between the Facilitation Group members and workstream Co-convenors. Please note that despite some workstreams closing, there will be opportunities to bring their knowledge and expertise to support the political caucuses at technical level.


Update from EP Jan Egeland


 In December 2021, EP Jan Egeland shared a letter with the Signatories, outlining some achievements of 2021 and what remains to be done, including on the caucuses and the National Reference Groups. >> Click here to read the letter


Update from the Facilitation Group


Gearing towards the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting in June 2022, the Facilitation Group members will meet with the Eminent Person at Principal level in March 2022 to take stock of the progress achieved since the Annual Meeting 2021. This will be an opportunity to discuss achievements and potential challenges in relation to three prioritised strategic caucuses (cash coordination, role of intermediaries, quality funding).
The Facilitation Group will focus its efforts in the next few weeks on two specific areas: 1) developing a guidance for working with the National Reference Groups (NRGs), and 2) launching the caucus on quality funding with several subsets of issues.
In February, OCHA will take over from ICRC as FG Chair for the next two months. 

The Facilitation Group and EP team Sherpas met in December 2021, and unanimously supported the proposed way forward on the workstreams and the resulting structure for the Grand Bargain 2.0. The Sherpas also welcomed the updates from the caucuses on cash coordination and the role of intermediaries - for the latter one they emphasised the need for the caucus to articulate a clear problem statement and identify 2-3 key actions for political decision. Sherpas agreed on the importance of launching a caucus on quality funding with the support of the Facilitation Group. They also expressed strong support for the NRGs and highlighted the need for the NRGs to be locally led and build on existing country-level experiences and mechanisms to avoid duplication. They tasked the Facilitation Group focal points to further develop the proposal on NRGs.




Latest from the caucuses, workstreams, and other initiatives


Risk Sharing Platform - January 2022 Update

On 18 January 2022, the ICRC, the Netherlands and InterAction convened a meeting of the Risk Sharing Platform, as indicated in a communication shared with the Signatories in November 2021. The meeting was a first step to accelerate collective efforts to advance a new approach to risk management, one designed to enable and facilitate the delivery to people in need. >> Click here to read more


Latest from the Signatories


Trócaire joins the Grand Bargain

Following a successful application, Trócaire is the newest, 65th Signatory to the Grand Bargain. As a signatory, Trócaire will continue to build on its 50 years of experience working in partnership by delivering on its Global Strategic Plan and corresponding Partnership and Localisation Strategy, which embrace the principles of localisation and apply them across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. >> Click here to read why they joined




The Danish Refugee Council joins the Grand Bargain

By joining the Grand Bargain, DRC is looking forward to an exciting collaboration with likeminded humanitarian agencies on the most crucial issues impacting humanitarian programming. “The issues addressed by the Grand Bargain identified in 2016 were not new at the time, are still very valid today and probably will continue for some time ahead. They affect all of us from field to HQ level and across all sectors and units. There are no magic solutions to them. However, the Grand Bargain remains the most likely forum to find solutions. Together we can try and make the shift happen,” says DRC Secretary General Charlotte Slente.  >> Click here to read why they joined




A4EP statement on Typhoon RAI and localisation

A4EP is appealing for the Grand Bargain Signatories to adhere to their commitments to localization and support local organisations who are responding and assisting the communities affected by the typhoon.  >> Click here to read the full statement


The Grand Bargain Secretariat is supported by ECHO and hosted by the Norwegian Refugee Council/NORCAP.


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