Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates - July 2022

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The Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates
Latest news from the Grand Bargain | July 2022
Dear Grand Bargain Signatories,

We are pleased to share with you the summer edition of the Grand Bargain Bimonthly newsletter, which includes important updates on the final outcomes of the quality funding caucus, and the launch of the caucus on funding for localisation. 

We also include below the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting Outcome Document - the version on the Grand Bargain website is fully up to date, as Signatories shared with us new commitments to include in Annex I. 

There was a lot of renewed energy felt at the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2022, and we are thrilled with all the action points you put forward. As EP Jan Egeland reiterated at the closing of the meeting - more Grand Bargain Signatories need to take leadership roles and actively participate. The time to act is now. 

Last but not least, we aim to share with you a light survey on the future of the Grand Bargain post 2022 in August 2022 - so stay tuned for further communications from our side. 

We wish you pleasant reading,
The Grand Bargain Secretariat 
Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2022 Outcome Document
Half-way through the Grand Bargain 2.0 iteration, endorsed at the Annual Meeting 2021, the Signatories gathered at Sherpa-level in Geneva on 30 June 2022, and virtually at Principal-level on 1 July 2022, for the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting. A high level of renewed energy was demonstrated by the Signatories, who committed to a number of concrete actions in the next twelve months to advance progress on the enabling priorities – quality funding, localisation and participation revolution. This outcome document summarises the conversations of the meeting, and the commitments put forward by the Signatories (Annex I). 
Click here to read the outcome document and the Signatory statements
Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report

Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2022

This year's annual independent review analyses the progress achieved and challenges faced by signatories towards the commitments during 2021. The report found that while quality funding has increased in absolute terms, it is not equally distributed. It also highlighted that only 2% of funding has been reported as going to local actors despite high level commitments to localisation. Similarly, the review noted support for participation, but little progress towards it over the past year. To have any chance of making substantial progress against the goals of the Grand Bargain by June 2023, the end of this current phase of the Grand Bargain, HPG recommends the signatories take a series of urgent actions. These are: increasing the provision and ensuring more equitable distribution of quality funding, supporting local leadership and enhancing institutional capacities, giving affected people meaningful influence over aid provided, enhancing coordination of efforts to maximise multiplier effects, strengthening the governance and accountability of the Grand Bargain 2.0, simplifying monitoring and reporting to better track progress. >> Click here for the full report

Update from the Facilitation Group
The Facilitation Group presented its workplan for the next twelve months at the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2022, starting with the launch of the caucus on funding for localisation. The EP and Facilitation Group will also look at the different elements of quality funding to address the priority holistically, building on the outcomes of the existing caucus; and they will support efforts to advance on the participation of affected people. They identified risk sharing among the priorities and will support the work that is underway, led by the Platform on Risk Sharing. Most of the Facilitation Group members expressed willingness to continue their tenure until June 2023 to ensure continuity. The Facilitation Group will also focus on for improved communications and transparency of the caucuses, and ensuring the socialisation and implementation of the outcomes of caucuses. 

Beginning of August 2022, ICVA will take over from UNHCR as the Facilitation Group Chair for the next two months. 

In the coming weeks, the Facilitation Group will launch a survey on the future of the Grand Bargain, with a focus on which of the existing elements of the Grand Bargain bring added value and should be maintained. Based on outcomes of the survey, the FG Chair, EP office and Secretariat will develop different options for the future, with corresponding costs for each of the options.

Grand Bargain 2.0 - EP and Facilitation Group achievements - July 2022

Halfway through the Grand Bargain 2.0 iteration - what have the EP and Facilitation Group achieved since June 2022, and where are we going?

On the occasion of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2022, please find here a visual overview of some of the EP and Facilitation Group achievements in the last year, and the remaining priorities until June 2023. >> Click here for the pdf

Latest from the caucuses, workstreams, and other initiatives
Caucus on quality funding

Grand Bargain Quality Funding Caucus Concludes with New Funding Commitments

On Tuesday, 12 July 2022, several humanitarian actors made new commitments to improve the quality and amount of humanitarian funding. These build upon prior commitments made with the establishment of the Grand Bargain in 2016, as well as a growing body of research and evidence demonstrating the efficiency gains multi-year funding can bring, particularly to frontline implementers. 

Caucus stakeholders made a number of commitments, including notably to:

  1. Recognize multi-year funding as a preferred funding modality, especially in protracted crises;
  2. Agree that multi-year funding should have at least some flexible arrangements to enable recipient organizations to respond efficiently and effectively;
  3. Recognize that multi-year funding should be channeled as close to the frontline as possible, and that key intermediaries like UN agencies play a central role in cascading that funding.

 >> Click here for the full update and the outcome document

Caucus on funding for localisation

Launch of a caucus on funding for localisation - July 2022

On the margins of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting on 1 July 2022, EP Egeland and NEAR’s Executive Director Hibak Kalfan successfully launched a caucus on funding for localisation, with members from the following organisations: USAID, Denmark, UNHCR, OCHA, IFRC, Save the Children, A4EP and the NW Syria NGO forum. >> Click here for the full update

Latest from the Signatories

UNHCR Report on the use of flexible funding in 2021

As a humanitarian agency mandated to provide protection and assistance to forcibly displaced and stateless populations, UNHCR’s impact is dependent on its ability to respond swiftly and flexibly. If UNHCR has to wait until resources are raised to respond, precious time and opportunities to make a difference and save lives would be lost. As a rights-based agency, UNHCR’s ability to protect those most affected is core—and is deeply linked to its informed understanding of those that are most vulnerable and most at risk. Flexible funding enables needs-based programming and direction of resources based on a holistic assessment of the intersections of needs, vulnerabilities and risks, both present and future. This is because flexible funding supports all programmatic areas. This report provides an overview of sources of flexible funding for UNHCR, and how it was used. >> Click here for the full report


Accountability of ‘intermediaries’ for localisation: Perspectives from the Charter4Change

Charter4Change (C4C) members have gathered perspectives on the role of intermediaries through an online workshop in December 2021, and a survey of INGO members of C4C in spring 2022, which gathered responses from 18 INGO global headquarters and their 135 country offices around the world. This paper summarises key findings. >> Click here for the full paper

The Grand Bargain Secretariat is supported by ECHO and hosted by the Norwegian Refugee Council/NORCAP.
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