Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates - June 2023

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The Grand Bargain Bimonthly Updates
Latest news from the Grand Bargain | June 2023
Dear Grand Bargain Signatories,

We would like to thank all of you for your active and fruitful participation at the Annual Meeting. It was truly inspiring to witness the energy, the actions shared and the commitments to the new iteration, which received unanimous endorsement in early June. The outcome document will be shared in the coming weeks.

We would also like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to EP Jan Egeland for his exceptional leadership and dedication over the past two years and his instrumental role in driving progress in the Grand Bargain. During the Annual Meeting, he emphasised the importance of this platform, stating, “Great ideas, proposals and actions taken by the Signatories. It proves to be a wonderful forum from the biggest donors to the smallest NGOs. We all have different roles in this sector, and we need to continue the progress to reach our common goal.”

Furthermore, we warmly welcome Jemilah Mahmood, Manuel Bessler, and Michael Köhler as the new Ambassadors of the Grand Bargain. Their expertise and leadership will undoubtedly contribute to the success of this process.

We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to the research team from ODI for conducting the Annual Independent Report, which proved to be an invaluable tool, providing crucial support for the elaboration of the new iteration and the Annual Meeting. 

We are glad to present the first newsletter of the new iteration of the Grand Bargain - Transforming Humanitarian Action to provide you with a brief update on the latest news, highlights from the Annual Independent Report, and updates from Signatories regarding their individual implementation of the commitments.

Wishing you pleasant reading, 

The Grand Bargain Secretariat
A word from the Ambassadors
"In our role as Ambassadors, we look forward to harnessing the enthusiasm and energy demonstrated by the Signatories to ensure that our collective efforts achieve concrete outcomes and humanitarian aid remains fit for purpose. With more crises in the world, the consequences of climate change and increasing cost of humanitarian work demands that we need to not only enlarge the funding base but improve efficiency and effectiveness which is the basis of the Grand Bargain. Let us work together to do more to improve the lives of affected people. There is no better place to do this than through the unique Grand Bargain platform,”
- Jemilah Mahmood, Manuel Bessler, Michael Köhler

>> Click here to read the news release
Annual Independent Report 2023
We are pleased to share with you the Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2023. The review analyses the progress achieved and challenges faced by Signatories towards the commitments during 2022.

ODI notes that 2022 saw a consolidation of action at the political level, which resulted in concrete and measurable progress in key areas.

Read the Annual Independent Report
Grand Bargain - Transforming Humanitarian Action
The scope, governance, structures, and accountability of the new iteration of the Grand Bargain will serve as a shared ambition to collectively work towards achieving our common goal: to address the challenges the sector faces and ensure the most efficient and effective use of resources to reduce the needs and to deliver the best outcomes for the affected populations. More information here.
Latest from the Facilitation Group,caucuses, and other initiatives
Facilitation Group
In late May, the Sherpas of the Facilitation Group convened in Berlin to finalise the proposal on the future of the Grand Bargain beyond 2023, and discuss the operationalisation of the framework, and the organisation and substance of Annual Meeting.

A virtual meeting with the Signatories was organised early June to present the new iteration of the Grand Bargain, providing the Signatories the opportunity to ask questions. The proposal was unanimously endorsed by Signatories after the meeting.

In June and July, EU/DG ECHO is chairing the Facilitation Group.
Risk Sharing Platform

At the Annual Meeting, the Netherlands, ICRC and InterAction introduced the Risk Sharing Framework

The Risk Sharing Framework provides a basis for interested humanitarian actors to further pursue risk sharing as a means to enable more effective delivery of support to affected people. It is not a directive tool, but rather a principled approach that can be adapted and used by actors as they see fit.

Read the framework

Latest from the Signatories

NEAR: Assessing the impact of the Grand Bargain on local and national NGOs

We are pleased to share with you the survey findings conducted by NEAR about the impact of the Grand Bargain at the country level. 
“Assessing the Impact of the Grand Bargain on Local and National NGOs: Analysis of Voices from Local Leaders” presents findings from a survey conducted by NEAR. The survey was distributed among NEAR members and networks and received responses from 284 participants representing a diverse range of local actors from the Global South.

Click here to read the findings


Canada shows it's possible: Systematically providing overhead costs to partners

We are pleased to share with you an article about Canada's best practices on overhead costs to partners. Empowering local and national actors is crucial for humanitarian crisis response. Canada has been opening new pathways on overhead costs to partners and collaborating with donors for a more accountable and sustainable approach.

Click here to read the article


Charter4Change, NEAR, A4EP recommendations for the next phase of the Grand Bargain (2023-2026)

We are pleased to share with you Charter4Change, NEAR & A4EP recommendations for the next phase of the Grand Bargain (2023-2026).
Charter4Change, NEAR & A4EP welcome the proposed priority given to providing greater funding and support for the leadership, delivery and capacity of local responders in the next phase of the Grand Bargain.

Click here to read the recommendations


The Sahel Regional Fund launches its operational phase

In line with Grand Bargain commitments, the main purposes of the Sahel Regional Fund are to provide predictable, flexible, and long-term funding for international and national humanitarian NGOs, to implement integrated multi- sector and cross-border response, to strategically and inclusively engage with local stakeholders and first responders and to support a more principled and effective response by using data and evidence as drivers for interventions.

The Sahel Regional Fund is hosted by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), governed and led by leading NGOs in the Sahel and initially supported by UK aid (FCDO).

Click here to read more information.


Centre for Humanitarian Action: Localisation in Practice - Facilitating equitable partnership in humanitarian project management 

We are please to share with you the paper of the Centre for Humanitarian Action about localisation.

As part of Centre for Humanitarian Action's “Strengthening Programme and Policy Relevant Capacities of Humanitarian Actors in Germany” (SPreAD) project, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, this paper addressed humanitarian Project Cycle Management (PCM) as one of the structural barriers that hinder the realisation of equitable partnership.

Click here to read the paper

The Grand Bargain Secretariat is supported by EU/DG ECHO and hosted by the Norwegian Refugee Council/NORCAP.
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