Launch of the Caucus on Scaling up Anticipatory Action

Published Date

Following intensive preparatory work by the core-group of interested Signatories, Ambassador Koehler launched the Caucus on Scaling up Anticipatory Action. The caucus is co-championed by Germany, OCHA, Save the Children, and WFP, and includes members such as EU/DG ECHO, FAO, IFRC, NEAR, Oxfam, and UK/FCDO. The caucus aims to address challenges in scaling up Anticipatory Action (AA) with a focus on three objectives:

  • Funding commitments are secured to scale up coordinated Anticipatory Action.
  • Caucus members agree on recommendations to improve coordination and cooperation at the international, national, and local level.

    And as a baseline, the caucus members will start working on a:

  • Joint methodology to allow tracking of funds for AA as well as a basis for advocacy (“common understanding”).

The outcome document shall be presented at the Annual Meeting 2024 and the Global Dialogue Platform.