Launch of the Caucus on Scaling up Anticipatory Action

Published Date

Following intensive preparatory work by the core-group of interested Signatories, Ambassador Koehler launched the Caucus on Scaling up Anticipatory Action. The caucus is co-championed by Germany, OCHA, Save the Children, and WFP, and includes members such as EU/DG ECHO, FAO, IFRC, NEAR, Oxfam, and UK/FCDO. The caucus aims to address challenges in scaling up Anticipatory Action (AA) with a focus on three objectives:


  • Funding commitments are secured to scale up coordinated Anticipatory Action.
  • Caucus members agree on recommendations to improve coordination and cooperation at the international, national, and local level.

    And as a baseline, the caucus members will start working on a:

  • Joint methodology to allow tracking of funds for AA as well as a basis for advocacy (“common understanding”).

The outcome document shall be presented at the Annual Meeting 2024 and the Global Dialogue Platform.

Click here to read the problem definition, the caucus strategy and the workplan