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A model on cash coordination endorsed - Grand Bargain caucus outcome document

Published Date

We are pleased to inform you that the Principals of the organisations represented in the Grand Bargain caucus on cash coordination - ECHO and the United States representing the Donor Cash Forum, WFP, UNHCR, OCHA, UNICEF, ICVA, A4EP, Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD) and IFRC, with CaLP and CashCap as technical experts, and with the World Bank as an observer- , have unanimously endorsed a model setting out the structure, function, leadership and resourcing of cash coordination.

The caucus process, launched by the EP Jan Egeland, aimed to respond to various calls, including the most recent Call for Action signed by 95 organisations in the summer of 2021, by convening key stakeholders to agree on a way forward and present a proposed solution to the IASC for their decision.

The overall aims of this process were to:

  • Identify an arrangement for accountable, predictable, effective and efficient coordination of cash assistance which makes clear who will do what, with what resources and to what end. This may be adapted to different contexts, but clarity and predictability will be maintained.
  • Improve outcomes for, accountability to and engagement of crisis-affected people and communities.

Between November and January, Senior Technical representatives of Grand Bargain Signatories engaged in the caucus, as well as representatives of relevant technical bodies, met to develop recommendations for the Principals, setting out the structure, function, leadership and resourcing of cash coordination. The model was then unanimously endorsed by the Principals in early February.

In brief, the model provides predictable, accountable, and timely coordination of cash assistance. It is highly adaptable to different contexts, built on the principle of localisation with greater participation of national and local actors, and ensuring that decisions regarding cash interventions are made with accountability to crisis-affected populations. The Cash Working Groups are linked to the Inter Sector / Inter Cluster Coordination Group, with a structure that mirrors existing coordination arrangements in IASC and refugee settings, respectively under OCHA and UNHCR. Finally, the model creates a global Cash Advisory Group which is tasked with providing general direction to support country level cash coordination technically and in terms of capacity. You will find a more detailed overview of the model in the outcome document attached.

This identified solution has been presented to the IASC for its endorsement, in coordination with the ERC. Indeed, the EP recently shared the outcome document with the ERC, as indicated in the letter attached.

To read previous steps from the caucus on cash coordination, and updates on other caucuses, click here.

March 2022 update: The model was unanimously endorsed at the IASC, with a timeline to develop a comprehensive transition plan extended until September 2022.