NEAR: Reflecting on the Grand Bargain after six years and on the way forward

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NEAR position paper on the future of the GBWe are pleased to share with you NEAR position paper on the future of the Grand Bargain. 

"NEAR was launched on the fringes of the World Humanitarian Summit 2016 and has been a consistent partner, advocate, critic, and ultimately signatory to one of the central outcomes of this historic moment. Our founding members were instrumental in crafting the Grand Bargain commitments and remain committed to driving change in the humanitarian aid system.


Through honest conversations, NEAR consulted as a Secretariat, with its Leadership Council and our members using the following questions as a guide:
Is the Grand Bargain worth our time? Will we see any change, improved trust, better quality funding and more sustainability if we remain engaged? And if so, then when?

When talking about the Grand Bargain after 2023, we need honest reflection and must ask the critical questions that are needed to make an informed decision and be able to hold on to it in the coming years.

As we consider our path forward, it is important to take a reflective and honest look at the strengths and weaknesses of the Grand Bargain for local and national NGOs. We offer a comprehensive view of these issues, as they will be key factors in our assessment of any potential evolution or future of the Grand Bargain."

>> Click here to read the position paper