Summary Note - Strategic Dialogue on Innovative Financing - 24 June 2024

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Strategic Dialogue on Innovative Financing: Seeking possibilities for greater scale  

Scaling-up Innovative Financing is one of the key focus areas of the GB 3.0 framework. A lot of work has previously been done as part of the Humanitarian and Resilience Investment (HRI) Initiative of the World Economic Forum. 

On 24 June, Ambassador Michael Koehler, together with ICRC and the World Economic Forum invited stakeholders with clear experience in innovative financing mechanisms and tools to identify concrete actions for scaling up innovative financing and explore how the Grand Bargain could contribute to this. 

"We must focus on innovative financing concrete solutions. It's an uphill fight to convince stakeholders, but it's essential" - Ambassador M. Koehler  

The meeting provided an opportunity for participants to discuss successful models and collectively identify barriers and enablers to scaling innovative financing in crisis responses. 

Following the meeting, the organisers finalised the summary note which outlines theagreed next steps, including: developing the evidence base and political messaging, hosting a project based follow-up event in Democratic Republic of Congo, exploring the establishment of a Community of Practice with the aim of preparing for a potential high-level caucus in 2025.