Trócaire joins the Grand Bargain

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Following a successful application, Trócaire is the newest, 65th Signatory to the Grand Bargain.

The Grand Bargain now includes 65 Signatories (25 states, 11 UN Agencies, 5 inter-governmental organizations and Red Cross/Red Crescent Movements and 24 NGOs).

Trócaire is delighted to have become a signatory to the Grand Bargain,” says Michael Solis, Trócaire’s Global Director for Partnership and Localisation. “Since the establishment of our Global Hub on Partnership & Localisation in Nairobi, through the support of Irish Aid, we now have greater organisational capacity to engage with key global instruments like the Grand Bargain. We aim to be an active signatory that promotes broader sectoral change.”  

As a signatory, Trócaire will continue to build on its 50 years of experience working in partnership by delivering on its Global Strategic Plan and corresponding Partnership and Localisation Strategy, which embrace the principles of localisation and apply them across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. Trócaire’s reasons for signing onto the Grand Bargain are various. Firstly, as a partnership agency that significantly surpasses the 25% benchmark of direct as possible funding to local actors, Trócaire felt that its way of working aligns with the Grand Bargain’s objectives. Secondly, Trócaire was interested in joining other signatories in coordination and collective advocacy efforts to advance the goals of the Grand Bargain, particularly the outcome pillars relating to localisation. Thirdly, Trócaire aims to participate proactively in relevant Grand Bargain workstreams, complementing its participation with other networks, such as the Charter for Change. Through this, Trócaire’s seeks to improve its own practice against each of the Grand Bargain workstreams and its ability to report against them. Finally, Trócaire hopes to support the increased voice and influence of local and national actors in the National Reference Group process for more meaningful local and national engagement with the Grand Bargain 2.0.