Update from FAO: Participation revolution in practice, January 2020

Published Date

FAOIn the period 2018-2019 FAO’s Emergency and Resilience Division (PSE) supported the delivery of six simulation based training on emergency preparedness and response covering 38 FAO Country offices, 3 Regional Offices and 2 Subregional offices in Asia, Near East and North Africa, Southern Africa and East Africa. The training involved more than 150 participants and included capacity building on cash programing, needs assessment, localization and enhanced engagement between humanitarian and development actors which all contribute to increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian action as proposed in the Grand Bargain. Furthermore during 2019, FAO organized a series of training workshops at regional level where 110 focal points from country offices participated in highly interactive and practical two-day sessions to strengthen capacities on community engagement and participation as major dimensions of Accountability to Affected Populations. The training also covered sessions on one of the most serious breaches of AAP i.e. Sexual Exploitation and Abuse. This initiative will be scaled up in 2020, thereby further contributing to fulfilling the objective of the important Grand Bargain “Participation Revolution”  work stream.

For further information, please contact the Secretariat.