Workstream 2 (More support and funding tools for local and national responders) - New Co-convenor, bringing the Grand Bargain from Geneva to Goma - March 2022 Update

New workstream 2 Co-convenor

Denmark has formally accepted the invitation to be the new Co-convener of the Localisation Workstream (WS2) following the decision of Switzerland to step down from this role. Denmark’s commitment to the localisation agenda is reflected among others in its Strategic Partnership’s emphasis on partnership and local leadership approach. Alongside taking on the co-convener role with IFRC, Denmark through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Office is also planning to convene an ‘advisory group’ of Danish NGOs and the Danish Red Cross involved in the localisation agenda and the WS2, to follow and support the work of the MFA. The handover process from Switzerland to Denmark is currently on-going with a target date of 1st of May 2022 as the official start of Denmark in this co-convener role.

Localisation Workshop in DRC

Under the slogan of ‘bringing the Grand Bargain from Geneva to Goma’, a workshop to discuss the successes and challenges of the international community’s support to local actors in humanitarian action was held in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on 23-24 March 2022. The workshop was convened by USAID, IFRC and the Office of the UN Humanitarian Coordinator and brought together representatives from national and local NGOs and platforms from North Kivu, Ituri and South Kivu; the North  the North Kivu, Maniema and South Kivu committees  of the DRC Red Cross (CR DRC);   the Ministry of Social Affairs, Humanitarian Actions and National Solidarity;   International NGOs (INGOs);  UN agencies;  and donors.

The discussion noted progress in some commitments as well as significant gaps in the areas of funding, capacity strengthening, and qualities of partnerships. Particular challenges were noted for women’s rights organizations and from government crisis managers. As part of the discussion on next steps, the Guidance on National Reference Groups (NRGs) was presented by NEAR. Participants agreed on actions that they can work together and for each of the stakeholder groups including a wider popularization of GB and development, periodic meetings to monitor progress such as those related or similar to the NRG concept, and development and monitoring of country-level agreed indicators on GB localisation commitments.