Workstream 5 on Joint Needs Analysis: Data Entry and Exploratory Platform (DEEP) Secondary Data Review (SDR) Project for seven Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) Countries (November 2020 Update)

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The Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) is an open-source inter-agency initiative offering a structured way to compile, process, store and share qualitative data and information for use in humanitarian and development needs analysis, while encouraging collaboration and transparency.

Use of the DEEP has further expanded this year through the Global Information Management, Assessment and Analysis Cell (GIMAC) which aims to coordinate, structure, collate, manage and analyze COVID-19 related information, and to provide technical support and services to prioritized countries and global decision making based on request.  GIMAC reports to the IASC OPAG. 

The Data Entry and Exploratory Platform (DEEP), Secondary Data Review (SDR) Project is a GIMAC project. This project is hosted by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and implemented by Data Friendly Space (DFS). The project will produce a secondary review of qualitative data; using GIMAC Analytical Framework for selected countries for a fixed timeframe; utilizing the DEEP software. Among the expected outputs will be an enhanced assessment registry that allows users to explore available data, including secondary data review of country-level assessments, surveys and situation reports, and to review information gaps for geographical areas, affected groups and sectors. The project will improve the inter-cluster group's ability to monitor changes in the humanitarian situation, adjust on-going response and produce strategy and advocacy products. The project will run from 1 November 2020 through end-April 2021.

In six of the countries approached, the Inter Cluster Coordination Groups (ICCGs) have confirmed participation, namely South Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Chad, Niger and.  A seventh country is currently under consideration. 

Further information can be found on