Workstream 6 (Participation revolution) - March 2022 Update
Workstream 6 members met on 10 March 2022 with the main agenda item a presentation on National Reference Groups (NRG). The workstream GB 2.0 evolution strategy identified NRGs as potential key partners in our work going forward. The meeting agenda also included an opportunity for workstream members to brief the group on recent development, and an update on other GB 2.0 activities, including the recently launched caucuses.
A representative of NEAR, a network of global South organizations and current member of the Facilitation Group, briefed the workstream on the concept of NRGs and the recent guidance note and step-by-step guide issued by the Facilitation Group.
Following the NEAR presentation, there was an open discussion led by workstream members from local and national NGOs to explore further the concept of NRGs. Workstream members raised a number of issues and concerns, including, whether and how the NRGs relate to existing coordination structures, how to ensure NRGs are fully representative and locally led, how to address conflicting definitions of localization among humanitarian actors (in particular whether/how national subsidiaries of international organizations are included), and available funding for local actors who wish to establish NRGs.
In coming weeks the co-convenors will circulate to workstream members some ideas on how to advance the workstream's GB 2.0 Evolution Strategy now that the National Reference Groups are being stood up. Workstream members were invited to submit suggestions for ideas to include in that paper. Co-convenors will also organize a call for donor members of the workstream to discuss ideas for donor collective action under the workstream and whether and how we provide support for the NRGs.