15 NGOs endorse global collaboration for greater efficiency and effectiveness in cash programming

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In 2016, the Grand Bargain gave momentum to a joint NGO effort to advance our global commitments on cash-based humanitarian assistance. The outcome of that effort was the creation of the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network. With the Grand Bargain entering its fourth year, the NGO community has reflected on how we can program higher quality assistance more quickly, effectively and inclusive of the inputs of people affected by crises. The Grand Bargain commitments provide a framework for us to have this conversation.

As a result, the CCD defined a set of joint actions directly linked to complementary Grand Bargain commitment areas. The attached agreement, signed by 15 leading NGOs of the CCD, outlines these collaborative actions. In the coming year, our efforts will extend beyond our goals to scale up cash assistance. They will leverage our diverse capabilities and expertise, because it is through this shared effort that we accelerate efficiency and impact.

The CCD Network will focus on the following critical areas:

  • Increase joined up analysis for cash and voucher response in 10 countries, including through complementary assessments  
  • Work to streamline management costs where possible in 10 countries through centralized capabilities and shared capacities
  • Advance efforts to reduce reporting burdens through simplified and harmonized approaches, recognizing especially that successful localized response must first be underpinned by quality local partnerships
  • Invest in transparency to improve trust in partnerships and accountability to affected people through common data sharing frameworks and decision-insight tools

We acknowledge the unique strengths and strategic priorities each NGO brings to this collaboration. As we look ahead to the coming year of the Grand Bargain, we will undertake these efforts building on the belief that joining up our operational capabilities where relevant will confer long-term advantages for the people we aim to reach in humanitarian crises worldwide.