Update on supporting survivor-led responses, July 2019

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DanChurchAid, Christian Aid, ACT Sweden and Local to Global Protection’s Survivor and Community Led Response (SCLR) approaches aspire to bring together the cash, localisation, nexus and participation agendas of the Grand Bargain. Their approach helps crisis-affected communities lead and manage responses to emergencies in ways that improve their immediate well-being, strengthen longerterm resilience and accelerate social change. Support includes emergency micro-grants (such as for livelihood recovery, access to key services, short-term relief and local peacebuilding activities), rapid provision of relevant emergency response skills (such as conflict resolution, psychosocial support and technology management), enabling communities to connect and network with others, including the private sector, and supporting community-based  nformation, mobilisation and learning systems. The emphasis is on low-cost, high-speed, targeted support to enable communities to respond to crises. A qualitative  valuation of the approach in the Philippines, Myanmar and Kenya in 2018 found that it was enabling communities to obtain what they needed more quickly and at lower cost than external actors could achieve. Source: The Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2019

Read below to see what DanChurchAid, Christian Aid, ACT Sweden and Local to Global Protection’s Survivor and Community Led Response, together with a large number of local partner NGOs have done lately to move forward with this agenda:

  • A video introduction to SCLR  has been developed
  • SCLR workshop materials are available in English and French on the L2GP website
  • An SCLR Training of Trainers in Nairobi in October 2018 trained 18 facilitators from Christian Aid, DCA and OXFAM as well as two other INGOs and six national NGOs from Kenya, Sudan and Philippines.
  • Heads of Humanitarian Departments of 9 European INGOs (including Action Aid, Christian Aid, DCA and Oxfam) met in December 2018 to identify next steps to move the agenda forward.
  • The General Assembly of the ACT Alliance (151 church-based organisations worldwide) adopted sclr as a practice in their new strategy.
  • The Cash Learning Partnership (CALP) is developing guidelines for community cash grants.
  • An in-depth lessons learned initiative is underway in Marawi Philippines (June-December 2019) and Myanmar.
  • Christian Aid, DCA, Oxfam, two other INGOs and 18 national NGOs from Kenya, Myanmar, OPT, Philippines, Somalia and Sudan have formed a community of practice focusing on advocacy, improving practice and sharing learning.
  • Continued learning, pilots and roll-outs take place in Gaza, West Bank, Haiti, Myanmar, Kenya and Philippines.