Workstream 3 (Increase the use and coordination of cash-based programming): Two new priority areas

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As a result of the discussions held during the third Grand Bargain (GB) cash workstream workshop held in Rome in May, two new priority areas have been created to increase the leverage of the work carried out in the cash workstream, better coordinate with other workstreams and improve the inclusion of local partners.

Tackling Political Blockages to Effective Cash sub-workstream

The main objectives of this sub workstream will be to identify key issues and bottlenecks where a political decision is needed to enable progress on delivering quality cash and voucher assistance. Members will develop a common action plan for how to tackle these bottlenecks and encourage decision-making, in coordination with other workstreams, and develop a monitoring plan to track progress. USAID/FFP and CaLP will be co-leading this sub-workstream and will seek membership from WS3 shortly.

Local partnerships sub-workstream

The creation of a sub-workstream which focusses on engagement with local actors and localization follows discussions on the need for collaboration and cross-fertilisation between the localisation and cash workstreams to draw together areas of alignment and create a meaningful space for local actors within the cash workstream. Oxfam and SDC are leading this sub-workstream and are in the process of looking for a local actor co-lead. Once the third co-lead is identified, they will work on the ToR and workplan.