Documents of IASC Task Team on Strengthening the Humanitarian/Development Nexus with a focus on protracted contexts

DRAFT Key Messages on the Humanitarian-Development Nexus and its Links to Peace

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Published Date
This draft document was developed under the leadership of the IASC Task Team on Strengthening the Humanitarian-Development Nexus and the United Nations Sustainable Development Group. The IASC’s Results Group 4 on Humanitarian-Development Collaboration is working to finalize this document. 

IASC Task Team on Strengthening the Humanitarian-Development Nexus in Protracted Crises: Workplan Stock-Taking Exercise, 2018

Document Type
Work Plans and Progress Reports
Published Date
On 4 October 2018, the HDN TT convened an expanded all-day meeting to specifically focus on the workplan activities. Against the backdrop of the end of the TT’s lifespan (December 2018), this meeting provided a timely opportunity for TT members to take stock of achievements to date, pending actions enabling a conclusion of the ToRs, and the means for ensuring relevant handover.

Collective Outcomes Progress Mapping

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The concept of Collective Outcomes is often cited as the core transformational aspect that sets aside current policy discussions on the Nexus from past attempts to link relief to development, or bridge the humanitarian-development divide.The implementation, understanding, and even expectations for what and how collective outcomes should be varies widely in their interpretation and has resulted in COs that are pitched at different levels of specificity, granularity (national/sub-national), and timeframes.

Community of Practice Network (CoPN) on the Humanitarian Development Nexus

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As an outcome of the peer-to-peer workshop in Entebbe (28-29 November 2017), a Community of Practice Network (CoPN) on Humanitarian Development Nexus (HDN) and Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus (HDPN) is being established. The CoPN comes in response to the requirements and suggestions of such a network, as expressed by peers in Entebbe.

Concept Note/Generic Terms of Reference: IASC Humanitarian-Development Nexus Task Team Technical Support to the Field

Document Type
Terms of Reference
Published Date
With the objective to provide policy coherence and consistency in programme support, in response to these requests, and in line with the HDN TT’s agreed workplan, this document is designed to offer a menu of support activities that members of the IASC Task Team, collectively or individually and in collaboration with other relevant bodies both within and outside of the IASC can undertake to support field-colleagues.

Country Humanitarian-Development Nexus Snapshots

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Published Date
These documents were produced as a background document for the Peer-to-Peer workshop on strengthening collaboration across humanitarian, development and peacebuilding sectors.They serve to provide a baseline snapshot of in-country progress towards strengthening the humanitarianidevelopment nexus, the so-called New Way of Working. All data is based on self-reporting from members of the Humanitarian Country Team/UN Country Team.

Summary Report: 2nd Practitioners’ Network Meeting to Strengthen Collaboration across the humanitarian development and peacebuilding nexus, 28-29 May 2018

Document Type
Minutes/Meeting Notes
Published Date
Actors at country level continue to work on, refine, and develop new solutions to the obstacles that perpetuate the silos between humanitarian, development and peacebuilding actors and their efforts. They are developing new approaches to harmonize programming cycles and to streamline coordination and planning mechanisms to better address risks, vulnerabilities and root causes to crisis.