News of IASC Task Team on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action

Global Disability Summit to take place in London (24 July 2018)

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To ensure people with disabilities are consistently and systematically included in international development and humanitarian assistance, the Global Disability Summit will galvanize the global effort to address disability inclusion in the poorest countries in the world, and act as the start point for major changes on this neglected issue.Objectives of the Summit:

Feedback from the event of 06 December 2017 at the European Parliament: Addressing the inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action- A European perspective

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On 6 December, the European Disability Forum (EDF), CBM International and Handicap International organised an event in the European Parliament on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action. In this occasion, the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides announced new measures to support people with disabilities in crises, especially the development of EU standards in all EU humanitarian projects.

CBM launches an app to make humanitarian response more inclusive

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On World Humanitarian Day (19 August 2017), UK-based disability charity CBM launched a new smartphone mobile app "Humanitarian Hands on Tool, (HHoT), to provide step-by-step guidance on how to implement an inclusive emergency response. HHoT is a web application with simple one-page guidelines which explain the basic "how-to" details in simple language and images concerning all issues relevant to the design and implementation of inclusive humanitarian action. Easy to use and fully accessible, this is the first application of its kind.

CLOSED - Vacancy Announcement (CONSULTANCY)

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A vacancy announcement has been advertised on the UNICEF website, in order to identify a consultant who will be responsible for drafting the initial content of the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action.