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HFTT 2015 Retreat Report

Published Date

More than 45 members of the IASC Humanitarian Financing Task Team and invitees participated in a retreat in Geneva on 21-22 January 2015 to take stock of the Task Team’s progress in 2014 and finalize the 2015 workplan with clear priorities and timelines. They agreed in principle on a revised workplan for 2015, which will be finalized in the coming weeks. During the retreat, the participants also discussed several activities in the workplan in more detail, including on challenges in accessing country-based pooled funds, donor conditions, bridging relief and development, and the future of humanitarian financing. Representatives from the Good Humanitarian Donorship briefed the Task Team on their workplan, and the World Humanitarian Summit secretariat briefed on preparations for the summit, in particular with regard to humanitarian financing. The Task Team will maintain working links with both.