Frequently Asked Questions on inter‐agency PSEA IOM’s lessons learned from PSEA implementation in‐country

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Frequently Asked Questions on inter‐agency PSEA: IOM’s lessons learned from PSEA implementation
in‐country (hereafter: FAQs on inter‐agency PSEA) stems from IOM’s experience in rolling out the 2016
IASC PSEA toolkit as tasked by the IASC Principals, and ongoing dedicated support to collective incountry
PSEA programs. The FAQs capture the recurring challenges brought to the Global IOM interagency
PSEA Project team by in‐country practitioners. IOM’s goal in collecting these FAQs is to support
in‐country and global PSEA stakeholders by addressing the real challenges faced in inter‐agency PSEA

The FAQs in this format are a temporary resource and will be used for the 2020 update of the Best
Practice Guide on inter‐agency Community‐Based Complaint Mechanisms (CBCMs). Country examples
of practice have been bundled separately and will also be integrated into the Best Practice Guide