IASC Focal Points
About IASC focal points
Every IASC member and standing invitee organisation is entitled to appoint a focal point. These agency focal points coordinate their organisation's engagement with the IASC, its Operational Policy and Advocacy Group and other subsidiary bodies, as well as their respective agencies' follow up to IASC decisions and developments. In addition they serve as a point of contact between the IASC secretariat and every member organisation. The IASC agency focal points meet frequently and are kept informed of ongoing workstreams across the IASC.
When to contact an IASC focal point
If you work for an IASC member organisation, you can contact your agency focal point to:
- Learn about ongoing workstreams at the IASC and how they might impact your work.
- Ask about points for engagement with the IASC, e.g., representing your organisation in an IASC Task Force or subsidiary body.
- Propose issues for discussion by the IASC or one of its' subsidiary bodies.
Note that you may be represented in the IASC by one of the standing invitee NGO consortiums (ICVA, InterAction, SCHR) or IFRC. Each of these also has an focal point who will be more than willing to support your engagement with the IASC.
Contact your IASC focal point
The following list includes the present IASC focal points with their contact information.
Organization | Location | Contact | Phone Number | Email Address |
FAO | Geneva | Ms. Dervla Cleary Team Leader, Strategic Positioning, Office for Emergency and Resilience | +39 065 705 3453 | dervla.cleary@fao.org |
ICRC | Geneva | Ms. Kristina Sofia Imbach Von Arx Head of the diplomatic team a.i., Policy and Humanitarian Diplomacy Division | +41 22 734 6001 | kimbach@icrc.org |
ICVA | Geneva | Mr. Jeremy Wellard | +66 92 509 6442 | jeremy.wellard@icvanetwork.org |
IFRC | Geneva | Ms. Petra Demarin Senior Advisor, Humanitarian Diplomacy and Interagency Engagement | +41 22 730 4235 | petra.demarin@ifrc.org |
InterAction | Washington | Ms. Rose Worden Program Manager for Humanitarian Policy Humanitarian Policy and Practice | +1 202 552 6566 | rworden@interaction.org |
IOM | Geneva | Ms. Angela Staiger Senior Humanitarian Policy Advisor Department of Operations and Emergencies | +41 22 717 9955 | astaiger@iom.int |
OCHA | Geneva | Ms. Josephine Charlotte Guerrero  Senior Humanitarian Affairs Officer | guerreroj@un.org | |
OHCHR | Geneva | Ms. Emilya Cermak Coordinator of the Humanitarian Action Unit/ERS Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights | +41 22 917 9914 | emilia.cermak@un.org |
SR on HR of IDPs | Geneva | Mr. Krishnan Raghavan Associate Human Rights Officer | krishnan.raghvan@ohchr.org | |
SCHR | Geneva | Mr. Gareth Price-Jones | +41 22 730 4533 | schr@ifrc.org |
UNDP | Geneva
| Ms. Barbara-Anne Krijgsman Senior Adviser, Policy Coherence and Integration UNDP Crisis Bureau | barbara-anne.krijgsman@undp.org | |
UNFPA | Geneva | Ms. Helen Mould Interagency Cooperation Specialist Humanitarian Response Division | ||
UN-Habitat | Nairobi | Mr. Filiep Decorte |
| decorte@un.org |
UNHCR | Geneva | Ms. Sara Baschetti Chief, Inter-Agency and Coordination Section, Partnership and Coordination Service-PCS, Division of External Relations | +41 22 739 8426 | baschett@unhcr.org |
UNICEF | Geneva | Mr. Luc Chauvin Chief, Inter Agency and Humanitarian Partnerships Office of Emergency Programmes (EMOPS) | +41 22 909 5686 | lchauvin@unicef.org |
UN Women | New York | Mr. David Coffey Humanitarian Specialist - Global Coordination | +1 646 781 4684 | david.coffey@unwomen.org |
WFP | Geneva | Mr. Giancarlo Cirri Director Global Office | +41 22 917 8569 | giancarlo.cirri@wfp.org |
WHO | Geneva | Mr. Aiman Zarul Technical Officer, Inter-Agency/IASC |
| zarula@who.int |
World Bank | Geneva | Ms. Sheila Kulubya External Affairs Officer | +41 22 748 1000 | skulubya@worldbank.org |