IASC Inter-Agency Referral Guidance Note for Mental Health and Pyschosocial Support in Emergency Settings, 2017

Published Date

A referral is the process of directing a client to another service provider because s/he requires help that is beyond the expertise or scope of work of the current service provider. A referral can be made to a variety of services, for example health, psychosocial activities, protection services, nutrition, education, shelter, material or financial assistance, physical rehabilitation, community centre and/ or a social service agency.

This referral form is intended to be used by humanitarian organisations working with persons with MHPSS problems. The referral form and guidance note are tools to facilitate inter-agency referrals, referral pathways, trainings and workshops, and as a means to document referrals in accordance with minimum standards. The referral form and guide can be used by any service provider for example, by a Doctor working in a primary healthcare centre referring a child to a child friendly space or a nutrition feeding programme, or a Case Manager referring a client for physical rehabilitation. It can also be used by persons providing Psychological First Aid, depending on the person’s role/ responsibilities, after a distressing event.