Template: Survey on the delivery of basic social services by humanitarians in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Published Date

The IASC Operational Policy and Advocacy Group tasked IASC Task Force (TF) 4 on Humanitarian and Development and Peace Collaboration to identify implications and map lessons learned and good practices on when, and how, humanitarian organizations have contributed to the delivery of Basic Social Services (BSS), where national authorities and supporting development actors have been unable or limited in their ability to deliver due to sanctions, crisis or other situations not conducive for development assistance.

To this end, IASC TF 4 established a Sub-Working Group (SWG) on the Delivery of BSS comprised of representatives from OCHA, WFP, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNDP, Oxfam, Mercy Hands, ICRC and UNFPA.  The SWG identified four countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and Myanmar) in which the delivery of BSS is predominately supported by humanitarian organizations and, as such, will be used to explore the implications, challenges and good practices. 

Central to this work is the completion of a survey that provides country participants to provide a detailed over view of the delivery of BSS in their unique country contexts and will produce two distinct outputs:

  1. Consolidated Country Briefs for the four countries; and
  2. A Global Synthesis Document (informed by the country briefs) that identifies the challenges, provides good practices, lessons learned and recommendations for situations in which humanitarian organizations deliver BSS and how those services may be best transitioned back to development actors, if feasible. 

This document serve as a template for information purposes only. 

The final Global Synthesis Document will be complete by mid-to-late July 2023 with recommendations for next steps also outlined.