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IASC AAP PSEA Task Team 2018 Progress Report

Published Date

Building on the 2017 Subsidiary Body Review findings and the views of its membership, the Task Team prioritised collaborative actions over information sharing and demonstrated results in the following areas:

  • Expanded support to over 50 country operations through revitalising its Helpdesk and support functions.
  • Support to collective AAP and PSEA mechanisms; through work on the Humanitarian Programme Cycle; prevention of SEA, efforts to align global AAP and PSEA initiatives and reinforce the critical links between AAP and PSEA.
  • With the spotlight on PSEA following the 2018 SEA scandals, and the increase in global developments (at UN and Donor levels); for PSEA-focused work the Task Team shifted its focus to updating members on key AAP and PSEA initiatives that would directly impact them as well as providing support to the various initiatives.