Concept Note, High-Level Pledging Event for Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

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Objectives: This year, the high-level pledging event will seek the support of the international community in four priority areas:

  1. Raise awareness of the severe humanitarian crisis in Yemen and the ongoing aid operation: Humanitarian needs in 2022 are expected to continue at a high level, with the most vulnerable communities – including women and girls – carrying the heaviest burden. In 2021, aid agencies reached more than 11 million people each month. This year, the humanitarian community will continue to do everything it can to reach those most vulnerable with the assistance they need, including working with all stakeholders to ensure principled aid delivery across the country.
  2. Protect the gains made in 2021 by providing flexible, balanced, early and strong support for the humanitarian response, including through financing tools such as the Yemen Humanitarian Fund and the Central Emergency Response Fund. Substantial and urgent funding will prevent the risk of large-scale programme stoppages, including in critical areas such as food security, water and sanitation, protection, healthcare, nutrition, education and support to IDPs, migrants and refugees.
  3. Rally support for measures to address the underlying drivers of humanitarian needs: The collapse of Yemen’s economy and basic services – which stem from the ongoing conflict – are the main drivers of humanitarian needs in Yemen. A new UN economic framework provides a roadmap of measures that the international community can undertake to immediately support the stabilisation of the economy, improve agricultural production and reduce food insecurity. Efforts to restore and preserve existing basic services – including healthcare, education, water networks, livelihoods, and social protection – are also needed to strengthen people's resilience, reduce humanitarian needs, and rely on humanitarian assistance.
  4. Call for an end to the conflict: While there are many significant and decisive measures that the international community can pursue in the context of the ongoing conflict, the humanitarian crisis will almost certainly continue on a large scale without an end to the fighting. Further efforts are needed to influence the parties to the conflict to agree to a nationwide ceasefire and return to the negotiating table