IASC Principals Convene to Address Urgent Humanitarian Issues

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IASC Principals met for their second bi-annual meeting of 2021, hosted by UNHCR in Geneva, to discuss country contexts covering Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Myanmar, the Sahel Region, and Syria, with a focus on, among others, advocacy on protection, humanitarian access and resource mobilization.

In an effort to renew their commitment to the joint responsibility to deliver on collective accountability, Principals discussed concrete and practical steps the IASC can take to give more power and agency to affected populations, and to bolster PSEA country mechanisms, improve victims’ access to quality information and assistance, and strengthen coordination and coherence during its championship by reviewing the outcome of an external review of IASC’s PSEA/SH approach to support humanitarian operations, among others.

In light of the growing urgency of the climate crisis, IASC Principals also discussed the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations requesting IASC members to sign the Charter, develop their own specific targets and contribute to joint messaging in the run-up to the UNFCCC COP 26. The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss the impact and consequences of climate change on humanitarian action and what else the IASC can do to address them.

Finally, on the basis of extensive consultations within and outside the IASC, and recommendations from IASC Deputies Forum, Principals reviewed recommendations on the key strategic priorities to guide the IASC’s efforts for the 2022-2023 biennium period and the structures required to take them forward.

Photo of the IASC Principals standing at the UNHCR Atrium