IASC Strategic Priorities, 2022-2024
The IASC regularly reflects on its priorities and ways of working to ensure that it can respond effectively and efficiently to evolving needs and challenges that strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of collective humanitarian action, specifically to save lives and reduce suffering.
The IASC strategic priorities set out the strategic framework of the IASC and reflects the collective commitment to deliver humanitarian assistance and protection.
In October 2021, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) endorsed its biennium Strategic Priorities for 2022-2023, namely, to collectively strengthen operational response, accountability and inclusion, collective advocacy, humanitarian-development collaboration, and its linkages to peace, and humanitarian financing. The Committee called for the redoubling of efforts to drive forward operational impact in following areas, that were extended by the Emergency Relief Coordinator until end of 2024.
In addition to the reflections being carried out by the various group, on behalf of the ERC, the IASC secretariat carries out consultations with IASC members to gather views on the priorities of the IASC and the structures and working modalities required to deliver on these priorities. Consultations include discussions with field leadership to ensure stronger linkages and relevance to operations. They also include consultations with IASC and non-IASC members, including local NGO representatives.