Programme, Inclusion - Area of Common Interest, HNPW 2024

Published Date
  • On 29 April, during the virtual HNPW Opening Session (11:00-12:30 CET):

Video message from Ms. Viginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations for Children and Armed Conflict. The video will be made available in the “Inclusion” virtual exhibition after the event.

  • On 8 May 14:00 - 15:30 CET:

Inclusion AoCC - Strategic Session: From Margins to Mainstream: Toward Inclusive Responses in Armed Conflicts ”. On the basis of the example of disability inclusion, this session will look at how marginalized groups are being included in humanitarian action in armed conflicts situations, five years after the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2475. Please register here.

  • Between 29 April and 10 May:

10 exhibition booths + 25 sessions on various inclusion issues  see below for the full programme.

Please consult the latest updated version of this programme here for any last-minute changes.


  • Virtual exhibitions (already open):
    • One-stop Shop of Inclusion Resources, showcasing information from the sessions and resources to raise awareness and foster inclusive humanitarian action for persons with disabilities, women and girls, youth, older persons, persons with diverse SOGIESC, PSEA and MHPSS. Comments concerning the contents and additional resources are welcome.
    • Stories of Persons with disabilities in armed conflicts, courtesy of Mr. Giles Duley, photographer and UN Advocate for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Armed Conflict
    • CHS Alliance (also in-person at the CICG from 06 to 10 May - Ground Floor, booth nr.24)
    • IMPACT Initiatives (also in-person at the CICG from 06 to 10 May - Ground Floor, booth nr.5)
    • Sphere and the Humanitarian Standards Partnership (HSP) (also in-person at the CICG from 06 to 10 May - Ground Floor, booth nr.23)
  • Week of 6 to 10 May 2024 - at the CICG in Geneva:
    • (First floor): Photo exhibition “Changemakers in action: Building disability-inclusive resilient communities”, showcasing the photos that qualified for the OCHA/UNDP competition of December 2023. The photos, together with additional resources, will also be available as avirtual exhibition.
  • (Ground Floor, booth nr.17) Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Emergencies
  • (Ground Floor, booth nr.19): IASC Task Force 2 - Accountability & Inclusion HelpDesk
  • (Ground Floor, booths nr.33 and 36 ) Resources on diaspora engagement in humanitarian action and across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus)
  • (Ground Floor, booth nr.44b) UN System Staff College


Registration to the HNPW can be done through the abstract of each session (see direct links below), which also provides more information about the topic, the speakers, etc..

In case of need for further information: please contact Isabelle de Muyser (